Apr 10, 2012

Random Post...

hey everyone!!!
if anyone wants to read White Wings ebook style, i will be making it into a pdf!
Just email me at pictureperfectloveprecious@gmail.com and i will send it to you!! (FOR FREEE!!)

Also, i got bored and made these pics...
i know know, im using "teams" too...half the world is doing it...(team Edward team Jacob...team Peeta team Gale...) but hey, why not?

Which team are you??? (for those who have read WW..) Also, i made this:

Who agrees? DOWN WITH SHADOW!!! :)

Anyway, adios! have a super awesome day.

Don't Stop Believing,

1 comment:

  1. I tried to print out WW the other day, but the printer ran out of ink! :P I'm going to try to print it out again here soon. :)



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